CARMINE APPICE Digital-Downloads Web Site Launched; New KING KOBRA Track Available

February 7, 2011

Rock legend Carmine Appice (OZZY OSBOURNE, VANILLA FUDGE, BLUE MURDER) is now offering rare tracks and impossible-to-find, out-of-production albums available as digital downloads directly from Carmine's personal web site. Some of Carmine's best performances new and old are available, along with a brand new track from KING KOBRA. All proceeds from this song will be donated to the Ronnie James Dio Cancer Fund. Other rare albums include "BBA (Beck, Bogert & Appice) Live in London", recorded in 1973; Carmine's solo release, "Rockers"; "Party Tested", the 1980 release by DNA (Derringer & Appice) and MOTHER'S ARMY's "Planet Earth" with Joe Lynn Turner, Jeff Watson and Bob Daisley.

More tracks and full albums are going to be added to the continually expanding catalog each month.

All tracks are just 99ยข each and full album downloads offer a reduced price from the single track downloads price.

Some of these tracks are not available on iTunes or Amazon; they are only available on Carmine's web site.

For more information, visit

(Thanks: NJthrasher)

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